8 g sea salt + 2 g sugar + 1 g Voatsiperifery pepper.
Day before
Prepare the coffee in a French press with a medium grind. Allow to infuse for 30 minutes. Press and then place in the refrigerator.
Allow the foie gras to come up to room temperature for an hour (remove the veins if necessary).
Mix the whisky and the COLD coffee. Pour over the foie gras and then add the sugar/salt/pepper mixture.
Tightly wrap the foie gras while compressing (shape into a rectangle, so that it can be packed into the terrine in two stages).
Put the Peugeot Appolia terrine in the refrigerator.
Following day:
Pack the foie gras into the terrine.
Wrap in film and add the lid.
Wrap the entire terrine in film and cook in a bain-marie. Cook in a non-preheated oven at 75°C for approximately 1 hr 45 min (check that the temperature is 62°C in the middle).
Take out of the oven and remove the film and lid. Place in the refrigerator.
The next day, replace the lid.
Wait at least three days before eating. Remove from the terrine and slice with a knife dipped in hot water.